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目前学校已经有15个班级。学生年龄由4岁至18岁,年级由幼儿中文班到GCSEA -LEVEL,同时还有两个成人会话班。多年来,本校学生在英国的中等教育考试中都获得优秀成绩,很多学生都进入英国前几名高等学府。在英国的多元文化社会中,本校积极参与当地文化社会活动,为宣扬中国文化作出很多贡献。



学校委员School Committee


校长  Headmistress: 黄珍理Ms Jenny Huang

学校委员会主席 Chair of the School Committee:李燕南Dr. Yin Nam Lee

学校委员会秘书 School Secretary:  张翠兰 Ms. Christine Cheung

学校委员会财政 School Treasurer:  Catherine Boudville

学校委员成员 School Committee Member: 赖晓蕾 Mrs Yvonne Chu

学校委员成员 School Committee Member: 何素真Mrs Wendy Hoe

学校委员成员 School Committee Member: 赵民Mrs MinZhao Heneghan

History & Development

The Ealing Chinese (Mandarin) School was set up in October 1978, by a few concerned Chinese to help children of Chinese parentage living in the borough of Ealing who wished to study Chinese. Children came to learn the Chinese language as well as the Chinese culture and traditions. In later years, the student population grew to include children outside the Ealing borough.


 The School is run by a School Committee which comprises of four teachers and four parent representative. The School Committee has an annual election for its officers: The Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Head Teacher is responsible to the School Committee and to manage the teaching & learning activities.

The School has an active Parents Association which handles numerous fundraising projects. The Parents Committee members are elected annually and four of its members sit in the School Committee.

Over the years, we have built up a solid foundation to promote our education agenda. The School currently holds 15 Chinese language classes for different academic levels from children as young as 4 to adult classes. Most teachers hold professional qualifications and have several years teaching experience which is reflected in the excellent results achieved in the students Chinese GCSE exams each year.

In addition to the teaching curriculum, the school participate in many local cultural events to promote Chinese culture and participate in the celebration of the cultural diversity of the UK.





Our Mission

To provide Chinese language education and the promotion of Chinese history and culture to the local community.