About Us



依岭中文学校是一家非牟利组织,成立于197810,伦敦最早建立的普通话简体字中文学校,当时其目的是希望居住在依岭地区的华侨子弟能够学习中文和了解中国文化。经多年的努力,学校教育水平不断提高。学校课程包括不同年级的中文语言课,同时开设中国文化教育课程目前学校有17个中文班和一个功夫班,共计200多个学生, 年龄4岁至成人。学校全部教师具备大学学历和多年教学经验。本校学生在英国的中等/高等教育考试中都获得十分优秀成绩,很多学生进入英国著名的高等学府。在2013年学校成功地被评为海外模范中文学校。在英国的多元文化社会中,本校积极参与当地文化社会活动,为宣扬中国文化作出很多贡献。


学校委员School Committee


校长  Headmistress: 黄珍理  Ms Jenny Huang

学校委员会主席 Chair of the School Committee:李燕南  Dr. Yin Nam Lee

学校委员会财政 School Treasurer:  Ms Catherine Boudville

学校委员成员 School Committee Member: 赖晓蕾 Mrs Yvonne Chu


History & Development

Ealing Chinese (Mandarin) School is a non-profit organisation, set up in October 1978. It is the first Mandarin Chinese School in London.  Its aims are to teach the Chinese language and to promote Chinese culture. Over the years, the School has built up a solid foundation and we now have over 200 students.  The School currently has 17 language classes and one Gongfu class for age 4 to adult. Our teachers are experienced and professionally trained. This is reflected in the excellent results achieved in GCSE/A Level exams each year. To help our students appreciate the Chinese cultural heritage, our school also runs traditional cultural classes. The school was successfully selected as the Overseas Chinese Model School in 2013. We also participate in many local and cultural events in order to promote Chinese culture and contribute to the celebration of the cultural diversity of the UK.